After a few years of using JBPM4, we are evaluating JBPM5.
In our project we have lots of long-running processes, so we need to persist them.
We want a tight integration with our application and therefore we decided not to use Guvnor (maybe we should non the less?).
Anyway, at the moment we use one ksession per process instance.
Now I am wondering how to "revive" the kbase which is needed to load the ksession:
ksessionStatefull = JPAKnowledgeService.loadStatefulKnowledgeSession(sessionId, kbase, null, env);
As process instances can last days or weeks, it is quit possible that process definitions have been altered,
so to continue a ksession we need to restore the same kbase as used to start the session (we need to know version of the process definition which was used when creating the process instance), right?
(How) should we store the kbase which is needed to reload the ksession?
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