Hey Benoit,

    That is why we always tell people to ignore the classic benchmarks (manners, waltz, etc) when comparing rules engines and use their own use cases to test. There are so many different optimizations implemented in modern rules engines that looking at one single aspect of them through an academic benchmark "lens" will never give you the whole picture, an so what you need is your own use case. That is also why it is so hard to get vendors to agree on new benchmarks, because each of them will try to come up with a benchmark that emphasizes his strengths. Although these academic benchmarks were helpful in the past, I believe nowadays they don't help anyone anymore.

    So, you did the right thing. Look at your use case, test the engines and find what is best for you. You are not the only one finding such results for real use cases.

    Also, performance is just one variable in the equation. Most rules engines will be fast enough for your needs, but what about rules authoring? declarative power? integration with your architecture? maintenance? support? cost?

    Good luck and obviously count on us to help you with any difficulty you face.


2010/4/8 Bertrand Grottier <b_grottier@hotmail.com>

At the present time, I am evaluating Drools vs OPSJ.

Before I started, I had a look at the following tests: http://blogs.illation.com.au/2009/09/waltz-benchmark-performance-opsj-vs-drools/. Based on these tests, I was expecting better performances from OPSJ over Drools regarding the rule firing time.
However, I obtained opposite results on a basic test. It consists in a sort of "join clause": I have a few products and many potentiel prices (10^4) in the knowledge session. The aim is to "match" the appropriate prices to each products.
My question are the followings:
- Does someone obtained similar results ? 
- Are there situations where Drools outperforms OPSJ ? (apparently yes).

Thank you in advance.



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