Here is a question though now, I have the following:

mdOutput : ModelDiscrepancyOutput( $amt1 : sumRTVQty, $amt2 : sumCmAndRnr)
eval($amt1.doubleValue() != $amt2.doubleValue())

Is there a way for me to eliminate the eval given that it makes the rules engine sub-optimal?  I guess one strategy is to create two separate classes to house the results, but man that seems messy.

On 4/11/07, Ronald R. DiFrango <> wrote:

I got it working, but using Salience alone.



On 4/10/07, Ronald R. DiFrango <> wrote:

OK, here is my attempt to convert the flow chart I have into words:

Step 1: Sum ObjectA
Step 2: Sum ObjectB
Step 3: Sum ObjectC
Step 4: Perform check on sum's from Steps 1,2 & 3 and do something if it fails
Step 5: Perform an additional check on sum's from Steps 1,2 & 3 and do something if it fails
Step 6: Perform an additional check on sum's from Steps 1,2 & 3 and do something if it fails

I literally need it in this order and I was thinking that agenda groups along with salience could get me there, but I have never used them before.

Does that help?


On 4/6/07, Michael Rhoden <> wrote:
Please give a better example or some pseudo code of what you are trying to do.

   From: [] On Behalf Of Ronald R. DiFrango
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 8:15 AM
To: Rules Users List
Subject: [rules-users] Rules Design Question


I have a rules design question for the community.  I have 3 lists of different types of objects that I need to sum if a certain attribute is present on each one of them.  Then after the summing has taken place execute other rules based upon the results of the summation.

Is there a way that I can accomplish this via salience or agenda groups?

Thanks in advance,
