The old recurring performance evaluation question... :)

   You know that an explanation can only be made after having looked at the tests used in the benchmark, the actual rules used by both products, hardware specs, etc... so, not quite sure what answer do you want?

   For instance, there are a lot of people that think exactly the contrary. Just one example:

   My preferred answer is still:

"In 99% of the applications, the bottleneck is IO: databases, network, etc. So, test your use case with both products, make sure it performs well enough, add to your analysis the products feature set, expressiveness power, product flexibility, cost, professionals availability, support quality, etc, and choose the one that best fits you."

   That is because I'm sure, whatever your rules are, in whatever product you try them, they can be further optimized by having a product expert looking into them. But what is the point?


2008/5/14 mmquelo massi <>:
Hi everybody,
I did a benchmark on Drools\Jrules.
I found out that drools is about 2,5-3 times slower than Jrules.
How comes?
The results I got are quite similar to the ones in:
Any explanations?
Thank you.

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Edson Tirelli
JBoss Drools Core Development
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