Hi Drools users,


I am trying to compile drools rule files in to a package file using ANT task as follows. But I am getting an error when the ANT build is run. Here is my ANT build file.

All the necessary jars are there in the classpath.
Could you please correct me if I have done a wrong thing or let me know if there is a alternative for this.
Appreciate all your help.

<project default="rules">


 <path id="drools.classpath">    

            <pathelement location="./drools-lib/drools-ant-4.0.7.jar" />

            <pathelement location="./drools-lib/drools-compiler-4.0.7.jar" />

            <pathelement location="./drools-lib/drools-core-4.0.7.jar" />

            <pathelement location="./drools-lib/drools-analytics-4.0.7.jar" />


            <pathelement location="./drools-lib/lib/janino-2.5.10.jar" />

            <pathelement location="./drools-lib/lib/jsr94-1.1.jar" />

            <pathelement location="./drools-lib/lib/mvel-1.3.1-java1.4.jar" />             




  <taskdef name="compiler" classname="org.drools.contrib.DroolsCompilerAntTask" classpathref="drools.classpath" />

  <!-- <taskdef name="verifier" classname="org.drools.contrib.DroolsVerifierAntTask" classpathref="drools.classpath" />  -->



 <target name="rules">

            <compiler srcdir="./rules" tofile="./test/VATRules.drl.rules" classpathref="drools.classpath">

              <include name="*.drl" />           






Error :

Buildfile: build.xml




C:\eclipse3.3.2\workspace\CalCulateVAT\cmdcompile\src\build.xml:31: RuleBaseTask failed: U

nable to load dialect 'org.drools.rule.builder.dialect.java.JavaDialectConfiguration:java'




Hareendra Pelige


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