Steven Núñez wrote:
Stay with BSD-style license.... No need to muddy the waters...
We'll its not quite as simple as that. All other JBoss tooling is EPL and Drools stuff isn't, it's ASL. However the new synchronisation code for the repository is considered "generic" tooling and they want to put this under the EPL, as it's not owned by Drools team. Mixing EPL and other license in the same svn repository is apparently a bad idea, so I've had a request from the JBoss Tools people to do a complete re-license to make things easier. Now we can continue with the Drools owned parts staying ASL and other bits being EPL, but you'll still have a product with muddy waters due to mixed licensing - I think it's unlikely I'll win the argument to ASL any generic parts if they happened to be used with Drools. But I wanted to put this out to the community for open debate on the pros and cons. I don't consider the EPL to have the same political issues to the LGPL, so I'm personally less concerned about the political issues.

On 18/06/08 12:31 AM, "Mark Proctor" <> wrote:

I'm contemplating EPLing the Eclipse tooling, anyone have any opions on
this, good or bad?

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