I started writing fusion docs a couple days ago. You can follow the progress through hudson builds or checking out the source code from svn.

   Regarding your question, clock ticks are an abstract concept that depends on the clock implementation you are using. Since I wrote the test case you saw, I added support for proper time units, and as so, I recommend you use them. So, if you want to create a sliding window of 1 hour 30 min and 15 seconds, for instance, just do:

StockTick( symbol == "RHAT" ) over window:time( 1h30m15s )

   I did not wrote that part of the docs yet, and in case anyone want to help, it would be most welcome.


2009/2/1 Trägenap <traegenap@ttc-informatik.de>

2 questions:

1. I want to start a ruleflow-group for e.g. only once a day? I am not interested in the pattern matches during the complete day, just interested in the result of the single computation. My ruleflow-group is ordered using a salience, the final/last rule should be processed once a day, repeating at the next day, and so on...

I found the example like this

StockTick( symbol == "RHAT" ) over window:time( 60 )

(...that happened in the last 60 clock ticks...)

What is declared as "clock ticks"?

2. I guess that drools fusion can solve my problem, is some more detailed doc available at this moment? (more than the ´pure´ headlines containing doc I found everywhere?)

Thanks for advice, including just giving keywords!

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 Edson Tirelli
 JBoss Drools Core Development
 JBoss, a division of Red Hat @ www.jboss.com