JimmyM wrote:
There was an error in the sample code i posted earlier. 
objList should have been objList2

$o2 : Object2(objList2.field1 != null) from $o1.object2
I assume that objList2 is a collection? If so how can you access a field on a collection, you can't. $o1.object2 is returning an object
not a collection, which means it'll pattern match against that single object. Remember I said that the 'from' expression must
return a collection, if necessary you'll need to chain the 'from's.
this also returns the error "unable to resolve property: field1"

Mark Proctor wrote:
make sure the 'from' expression returns a collection, then this will do 
what you want.

also when i use this instead (java.util.Arraylist has been imported):

$o2 : ArrayList(objList2.field1 != null) from $o1.object2

the error is:

unable to resolve property: unable to resolve token: objList2.field1 

I've inserted only the base object (object1) into working memory. 
For some reason i cant access attributes deeper than object 2. 

What am i doing wrong?