Thanks for the replies!
I observed that the action of a rule not get executed straight after that rule activated.
Say my rules are following:
rule "Hello World"
System.out.println( "hello world" );
rule "GoodBye"
Message( status == Message.GOODBYE, myMessage : message )
System.out.println("good bye");
If I have set up my Message class such that it will fire the "GoodBye" rule, my output is:
good bye
hello world
What I wanna know whether this is the expected behaviour? (Since normally I expect the action of that particular rule to be executed straight after it's fired.)
Am I missing something here?
If you use bean property conventions for naming your methods you can use a regular condition element. for instance, you could rename emptyMessageFinder() to isMessageFound() or getMessageFound() and your condition would look like this:whenm : Message(messageFound == true)then...endAnd when you do this the rete is used, birds sing in the trees, and world peace will be declared.
I have two questions.
1) Is there any other way/method in Drools to test the truth value of a condition other than "eval"?In almost all rules of my application needs to test conditions, and it takes ages to run using "eval".
2) Say I have a java method which returns a boolean, and I have used it within an "eval" function. (eg: eval(message.emptyMessageFinder()) )
This "emptyMessageFinder()" method will return a "boolean" if there's an empty message. This function is containing many loops and recursive operations.
Will I get a performance improvement if I alternate the above such that the "emptyMessageFinder()" method sets a boolean attribute (anyEmptyMessage)
in the Message class to true and false, and I'm using following in my drl.
m: Message()
eval(m.anyEmptyMessage) //can I use eval here??......
If someone can answer these questions it would be a great help!
Thank you in advance!
Best Regards,
C.S.Nirmal J. Fernando
Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka.
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