Using the code below, I am getting the following results:

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:12 MDT 2008): Configuring with newInstance=false, secondsToRefresh=300

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:12 MDT 2008): Configuring package provider : DirectoryScanner scanning dir: c:\intellidata-home\sleuth\drlFiles found 30 file(s).

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Applying changes to the rulebase.

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules

RuleAgent(default) INFO (Tue Apr 08 14:45:35 MDT 2008): Adding package called net.intellidata.sleuth.description.rules


loadRules() took 41.75 Seconds

Executing rules took 0.031 Seconds



Possible Families Map:

{1=100, 2=100, 3=100, 4=100, 5=100, 6=100, 7=100, 8=100, 9=100, 10=100, 16=100, 17=100, 18=100, 19=100, 20=100, 21=100, 22=100, 23=100, 24=100, 25=100, 26=100, 12=100, 13=100, 14=100, 15=100}

Possible Parameters:


Families: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 12, 13, 14, 15]; Detected Confidence = 0



Everything after the time of execution is the toString() method of the fact object I passed into working memory.  The object is still in its initial state, the rules did not manipulate the object in any way.  I am using the RuleAgent class to monitor a directory full of .drl files and load them into the rulebase.  This is my load rules code:


public static RuleBase loadRules() throws Exception



      Properties prop = new Properties();

      prop.setProperty(RuleAgent.DIRECTORY, "c:/intellidata-home/sleuth/drlFiles");

      prop.setProperty(RuleAgent.POLL_INTERVAL, "300"); // poll every 300 seconds for hot deployment.


      // Get a new RuleBase using these properties

      RuleAgent agent = RuleAgent.newRuleAgent(prop);

      RuleBase ruleBase = agent.getRuleBase();



      return ruleBase;



If I load the rules manually, without using the RuleAgent, then the rules modify the fact object in exactly the way they are supposed to.  Essentially it appears to me that the rules are not firing.  I’ve looked at the FileScanner and RuleAgent source code and have not been able to determine the problem, it appears that this should work.


Can anybody look at this and tell me if this is a bug or if I’m doing something wrong?


Brian Trezise
Staff Software Engineer
IntelliData, Inc
3173 s. uravan way
aurora, colorado 80013
T: 720.524.4864