A rule has to ascertain that all elements in a List<ElemBoxStatus>in a
Collector occur in the matching BoxResponse's  Set<ElemBoxStatus>. There is
just one BoxResponse per Collector.

This here works fine:

rule matchCollectorResponse
        $c : Collector( $ebsList : elemBoxStatusList, $gsSet : globalStatusSet )
        $b : BoxResponse( collector == $c, globalStatusSet == $gsSet, $ebsSet : elemBoxStatusSet  )
        forall( $ebs : ElemBoxStatus() from $ebsList
                BoxResponse( collector == $c, elemBoxStatusSet contains $ebs ) )

Thinking that $ebs is already available from the second pattern ($b:...), I tried

rule matchCollectorResponse
        $c : Collector( $ms : message, $ebsList : elemBoxStatusList, $gsSet : globalStatusSet )
        $b : BoxResponse( collector == $c, globalStatusSet == $gsSet, $ebsSet : elemBoxStatusSet  )
        forall( $ebs : ElemBoxStatus() from $ebsList
                   eval( $ebsSet.contains( $ebs ) ) )

but the compiler came back with

Line ...:55 no viable alternative at input '$ebs' in rule matchCollectorResponse in pattern eval

Defining a suitable function isIn(...) and using this within eval() produces the same result. This
and other experiments seems to indicate that bindings in the first pattern of forall() are not
passed in to an eval() later in the forall.

