Markus Helbig wrote:

i manipulated the classes folder and several Jar files in the lib
folder. Deployment is fine, but starting the applications gives:

---Original exception---
java.lang.ClassFormatError: (org/jboss/seam/core/package-info) class
name is invalid at offset=0
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassImpl(Native Method)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(

i had other exceptions too, about problems with:

ClassVisitor.class in asm.jar ...
Yes we make ASM output jdk1.5 code generation at runtime.
i couldn't find the reason ... i'll try again and post the exact exceptions ...

Remember that typically the BRMS is an editing tool used by 2-10 people,
so a case could be made for a 'local' Tomcat or JBoss. The rules can
then be exported from this and deployed on the existing production
Websphere (JVM version permitting) - no BRMS needed there.

i know ... but there are several political reasons, which prohibit to
use another AppServer than Websphere ...


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