

I had completely overlooked the installation instructions at


-- des


From: [] On Behalf Of Esteban Aliverti
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 9:02 AM
To: Rules Users List
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Problem importing processes from one system to another


Did you configure Designer web application? 

Make sure you have the right host and port in profiles/jbpm.xml configuration file.

The default configuration is:


<externalloadurl protocol="http" host="localhost:8080" subdomain="drools-guvnor/org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor/oryxeditor" usr="admin" pwd="admin"/>

After you change the file you must restart the sever to the changes to take place.

Best Regards,


Esteban Aliverti
- Blog @

On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 2:52 PM, David Shields OpenCDS <> wrote:

I have created a repository on my own computer (localhost:8080) which contains a large number of rules and several processes, and exported it to a file.


I then imported the file into a new remote server (edmopencdsdev:8081) that is running on a different port:  8081 instead of 8080.


Guvnor seems to work correctly on the new server, except for one thing:  It bombs when I try to open a process that was created on my local machine.  It seems that there are references to the host on the original server stored within the imported repository somewhere…


Am I doing something wrong, or is this a known issue?  If so, is there a work-around short of separately saving the BPMN2 files and importing each one of them individually?  I have attached a sample of one of the processes that causes this issue, although all of the processes I have tried fail with the same error message (shown below) in the logs.


05:57:04,945 INFO  [org.apache.jackrabbit.core.TransientRepository] (http-- Session opened

05:57:22,290 INFO  [org.jbpm.designer.server.EditorHandler] (http-- The diagram editor is running in production mode. Javascript will be served compressed

05:57:33,587 INFO  [org.jbpm.designer.server.EditorHandler] (http-- Performing diagram information pre-processing steps.

05:57:33,618 ERROR [org.jbpm.designer.web.preprocessing.impl.JbpmPreprocessingUnit] (http-- http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/rest/packages/

05:57:33,618 INFO  [stdout] (http-- Setting up default workitem configuration

05:57:33,618 INFO  [stdout] (http-- End setting up default workitem configuration

05:57:34,493 ERROR [org.jbpm.designer.web.server.ServletUtil] (http-- http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/rest/packages/

05:57:34,493 INFO  [org.jbpm.designer.web.preprocessing.impl.JbpmPreprocessingUnit] (http-- Successfully deleted file :C:\JBoss\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\standalone\tmp\vfs\temp8d0d9283eb376a77\designer.war-a884420b84204c5f\stencilsets/bpmn2.0jbpm/bpmn2.0jbpm.json

05:57:34,602 INFO  [org.jbpm.designer.web.preprocessing.impl.JbpmPreprocessingUnit] (http-- Created file:C:\JBoss\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\standalone\tmp\vfs\temp8d0d9283eb376a77\designer.war-a884420b84204c5f\stencilsets/bpmn2.0jbpm/bpmn2.0jbpm.json

05:57:38,040 ERROR [org.jbpm.designer.web.repository.impl.UUIDBasedJbpmRepository] (http-- Unable to connect to Gunvor. Is it running? [http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor/oryxeditor?uuid=77827ae5-ce58-43d7-84f7-fe5785e5400f&usr=admin&pwd=admin]

05:57:38,587 ERROR [org.jbpm.designer.web.server.ServletUtil] (http-- http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/rest/packages/

05:57:38,743 INFO  [org.jbpm.designer.web.server.DictionaryServlet] (http-- check connection response code: 404


Thanks for any help you can give…


-- des


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