One someone else on my team came up with is using abbreviated names like:
LE for <=
GE for >=
EQ for ==
etc., etc., etc.
Special characters in the rule names are replaced by '_' as a class will be created with that name. So yes, the given names will generate conflicts.
I'm not sure we can do much about it, as transparently generating unique names may cause silent unexpected problems.
For now, my recommendation would be for you to use a valid character to differentiate rule names (like prefixing them with numbers or letters, etc). If you or anyone have any better idea on how to handle such situations, just suggest and we can analyze the viability of implementing it.
Edson2007/5/24, Ronald R. DiFrango <ron.difrango@gmail.com >:All,
I am now getting the following error:
The type Rule_RNR_Qty____RNR_Adjustment_Qty___100__Tolerance_0 is already defined RtvDecisionEngine/src/rules/com/circuitcity/rtvcrms/rules rtv.drl line 758 1180017847586 29221
But I do not have this defined twice, well at least not in my mind. Here are the two rule names that are conflicting:
"RNR Qty == RNR Adjustment Qty : 100% Tolerance"
"RNR Qty >= RNR Adjustment Qty : 100% Tolerance"
So it appears as though the rule names are not taking into account "special" characters.
Is this to be expected?
Edson Tirelli
Software Engineer - JBoss Rules Core Developer
Office: +55 11 3529-6000
Mobile: +55 11 9287-5646
JBoss, a division of Red Hat @ www.jboss.com
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