Hi Mark,
Any news on this one? I know its just a puzzle, but I would have hoped drools would cope with it.
I was hoping to use the golfer example as a training aid to people in work.



On 09/08/07, Simon French <french.simon@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Mark,
I gave the latest version a go but still having the same problem.
It appears Drools doesn't like it when the last name is asserted into working memory.
The memory usage at this stage is just under 900meg.
After that drools gradually eats up all the available memory but no more assertions are made.



On 03/08/07, Mark Proctor <mproctor@codehaus.org> wrote:
I must admit I didn't check against this example. But we did find a memory leak. Each activation remembers its parent activation, this chain was never getting nulled, which meant for recursive algorithms it went out of memory very quickly - this is now fixed. Maybe you can check trunk and make sure that fixes our problem? Trunk is broken at the moment, while we do MVEL updates, but should be fixed in a few hours. I'll message the list when it is - you won't need to build anything yourself as you will then be able to get the latest snapshot to try from here http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/artifacts/jboss-rules.

Simon French wrote:
Hi Mark,
After all the hard work you guys have put into drools recently I hope you had a good holiday.
Has anybody had a chance to look at this?


On 20/07/07, Mark Proctor <mproctor@codehaus.org> wrote:
we'll look into this to see where the memory is going. but won't be for another week or so - I'm currently on holiday.

Simon French wrote:
After attending a session with Mark Proctor in London I was inspired to play around with Drools in a slightly different way than we use it for in the workplace, and try and solve a puzzle.
Unfortunately I couldn't get Drools to solve it as I kept getting memory problems (I believe are cartesian joins being the problem),
so I decided to extend the golfer example to see if I got the same problem
I added two new names and a new integer property, club

        // create all possible Golfer objects
                String[] names = new String[] { "Fred", "Joe", "Bob", "Tom", "Des", "Terry" };
                String[] colors = new String[] { "red", "blue", "plaid", "orange","black", "white" };
                int[] positions = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
                int[] clubs = new int[] {9,8,7,4,5,5};
                for ( int n = 0; n < names.length; n++ ) {
                   for ( int c = 0; c < colors.length; c++ ) {
                          for ( int p = 0; p < positions.length; p++ ) {
                              for ( int q = 0; q < clubs.length; q++ ) {
                                  session.insert(new Golfer( names[n], colors[c], positions[p], clubs[q]) );


Then changed the golder.drl to:

package com.sample

import com.sample.Golfer;

rule "Golfer Riddle"
        // A golfer named Fred,
        Golfer( name == "Fred",
                $fredsPosition : position, $fredsColor : color, $fredsClub : club   )

        // Der Golfer hinter Fred trägt blau
        Golfer( $unknownsName : name != "Fred",
                $unknownsPosition :  position == ( $fredsPosition + 1 ),
                $unknownsColor : color == "blue", color != $fredsColor,
                $unknownsClub : club == 5 )

        // Joe steht an zweiter Stelle               
        Golfer( name == "Joe", $joesPosition : position == 2,
                position != $fredsPosition,
                $joesColor : color != $fredsColor,
                $joesClub : club == 5 )

        // Bob traegt Karo       
        Golfer( name == "Bob",
                name != $unknownsName,
                $bobsPosition : position != $fredsPosition,
                position != $unknownsPosition, position != $joesPosition,                                                 
                $bobsColor : color == "plaid",
                color != $fredsColor, color != $joesColor,
                color != $unknownsColor,
                $bobsClub : club < $joesClub )

        // Tom ist nicht 1. oder 4., traegt kein Orange
        Golfer( $tomsName : name == "Tom",
                $tomsPosition : position != 1, position != 4,
                position != $fredsPosition, position != $joesPosition,
                position != $bobsPosition,                               
                $tomsColor : color != "orange", color != "blue",
                color != $fredsColor, color != $joesColor,
                color != $bobsColor ) 

        Golfer ( $des : name == "Des", $desPosition : position < $fredsPosition, $desColor : color != "blue",
                color != $fredsColor, color != $joesColor,
                color != $bobsColor )
        Golfer ( $terry : name == "Terry", $terryPosition : position < $desPosition, $terryColor : color != "blue",
                color != $fredsColor, color != $joesColor,
                color != $bobsColor )
        System.out.println( "Fred " + $fredsPosition + " " + $fredsColor );
        System.out.println( "Joe " + $joesPosition + " " + $joesColor );
        System.out.println( "Bob " + $bobsPosition + " " + $bobsColor );
        System.out.println( "Tom " + $tomsPosition + " " + $tomsColor );  
        System.out.println ( "Des " + $desPosition + " " + $desColor );  
        System.out.println( "terry " + $terryPosition + " " + $terryColor );  

After a couple of minutes of processing I got:-

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

I also changed java memory allocation with -Xms1640M -Xmx1640M (The most I can allocate on my PC), and tried running it as a stateless  session too.

Is there anything else I can do, or is this simply pushing drools too far (surely not!!) ?

I'm very keen on pushing this technology as much as possible in our workplace and I'd really appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance


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