0 White Paper: Streaming APIs for XML Parsers. Let's look at an example of programmatic security for a secure enterprise bean.
Most recently, Roger has been involved with different rendering technologies for JSF.
One of the new features in JSF 1.
You'll have the sample code, run it, and learn about why it was coded the way it was.
Generating XML from Java Classes with Java-to-Schema Binding As mentioned previously, JAXB 1. You can download the archive for the Java Web Start example. Parameter Types You can use any data type for a parameter of a method or a constructor. EventSinkCustom Notice the HostName, Id, and Password parameters in the command.
0 in the unmarshalling process is validation. The phase listener then puts the view identifier in the response header. 0 because it uses some of the new language features in J2SE 5. If the credentials are not valid, the method throws a security exception. A Set is a special kind of Collection, a SortedSet is a special kind of Set, and so forth.
To do that, execute the following command: ant run-validate The marshalling operation will generate the incorrectpo.
If the request is an AJAX request (denoted by the XML-HTTP string in the request header), this phase listener will get the view identifier of the view that will be rendered next. Get trained and certified in the Java platform APIs, learn to use the power of Java technology to create web services.
Common to both of these markups is the lack of a built-in form submission mechanism like the one available in HTML.
These annotations specify that the Scientist object is the root element, and the Person object is of Xmltype. 4 SDK from the J2EE 1. Note: For the code in this issue of Fundamentals to compile use the JDK 6 software. Components are tags on steroids.
For information on generic types, see the Generics section in this tutorial's Collections trail.
You can download GlassFish from the GlassFish Community Downloads page. In this tip, you'll have the opportunity to try out these GlassFish features to monitor a web service.
Step 9: Check for the email Check your email to verify that the listening custom MBean sent an email to your address.
This tip uses the web service named Calculator that was described in the Tech Tip Developing Web Services Using JAX-WS.
These annotations specify that the Scientist object is the root element, and the Person object is of Xmltype.
For more detail, see section 8.