For #1 and #2, I am planning on using DSL
that uses a separate model, built specifically for rule writing, that wraps
around the actual application domain model. DSL sentences are not quite
as user friendly, the rule writer has to pick from a huge list of DSL sentences
as opposed to incremental condition phrase building available from the
native rule editor, but there is no other way, short of building your own
rule editor.
The common rulesets, due to their very
nature, I am not exposing to the clients for editing, they are internal.
The KnowledgeBuilder api can load common rules (which could be in .drl
files) in addition to guvnor rules.
kapokfly <>
11/16/2011 08:16 AM
Re: [rules-users]
Building our own UI for Drools
Sent by:
Hi GPatel,
Maybe separate by package is something can be tried, but do you see the
functionality of what Gunvor provided is good enough for your usage?
For us it is still missing some necessary functions:
given a condition, 'a = b',
1) we would like the 'b' part could be an expression/reference to another
field, not only a value
2) we would like to be able to redefine the dot notation so it can refer
not only a property but also its meta data information so the meta data
value can also be used as part of the rule
3) for existing none object graph traverse we also would like to register
our own property resolver so it can load related objects into the proper
Also are you able to tweak the UI to comply with your own application's
And does your object also share a common rulesets across different
customers? How you design this part in your POC so any potential upgrade
could be easier?
Ivan, your Panda, forever
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