I have an app that can run with a local DRL file and with 4.07 and BRMS, all has been working.  Migrating to 5 to take advantage of Guvnor.  However, when I try to instantiate a RuleAgent using a properties file, my code goes to heaven (or the other place).  From the code below, the subsequent console output results, which indicates connection to Guvnor and apparent creation of the rulebase, but the code never returns.

public RulesEngine() throws RulesEngineException {
try {
System.out.println("Instantiating an agent with properties file");
RuleAgent agent = RuleAgent.newRuleAgent("/glucoseRules.properties");
System.out.println("Should have instantiated an agent");
rules = agent.getRuleBase();
System.out.println("Have a rule base from the agent");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RulesEngineException("Could not load/compile rules files: ", e);

Instantiating an agent with properties file
RuleAgent(default) INFO (Thu Feb 12 06:18:02 MST 2009): Configuring with newInstance=false, secondsToRefresh=30
RuleAgent(default) INFO (Thu Feb 12 06:18:02 MST 2009): Configuring package provider : URLScanner monitoring URLs:  http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor/package/glucose.decision.rules/LATEST with local cache dir of /rules
RuleAgent(default) INFO (Thu Feb 12 06:18:02 MST 2009): Applying changes to the rulebase.
RuleAgent(default) INFO (Thu Feb 12 06:18:02 MST 2009): Adding package called glucose.decision.rules

The properties file:


Again, this code all worked as written when I was using 4.07 and BRMS.  Any assistance is greatly appreciated!