As a newbie to Drools (using v4.0.7), I’m struggling a bit with the right way to express the following concept
I have a ParentFactObject with an array of ChildFactObjects.
The ChildFactObjects have a boolean attribute “TestMe”
I want to pattern match all ParentFactObjects for whom all ChildFactObjects have false for TestMe
Here’s what I’ve tried:
rule "NoTestChildren"
$parentFactObject : ParentFactObject // parent exists
not ChildFactObject // no child exists that has TestMe true
TestMe == true
) from $parentFactObject.childFactObjects
log("Rule NoTestChildren fired.");
I get the following:
org.drools.rule.InvalidRulePackage: [66,4]: unknown:66:4 mismatched token: [@1085,4469:4472='from',<38>,66:4]; expecting type THEN
Also tried this:
rule " NoTestChildren "
$parentFactObject : Borrower // parent exists
forall ($childFactObject : ChildFactObject // no child exists that has TestMe true
TestMe == true
) )from $parentFactObject. childFactObjects
log("Rule NoTestChildren fired.");
I’ve tried a series of variations with similar results.
Can anyone provide any guidance on how to do this?
Thanks in advance.
Tom Murphy
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