Are you using any entrypoint?
Time or length based?
It could be possible you have to retract manually the events.

On 24 Oct 2013 08:23, "Elran Dvir" <> wrote:

I am sending this message again because maybe the last wasn’t sent because of the attached snapshots.

I removed them now.



Hi all,


I am using Drools Fusion. I am getting OutOfMemoryError rather fast. My JVM is running with –Xmx4g flag.

I have rules defined in another (not Drools) language.

Every rule is translated programmatically to a drl file. This is because the user can add and remove rules (in the other language) dynamically.

The default configuration contains 125 rules.


For example, one rule is supposed to identify a port scan event.

The basic fact is connection log. For each combination of src (source IP) and dst (destination IP) , detect a port scan event, if over 60 seconds there were at least 20 connection logs with different service and protocol.

The event will stay closed for 10 minute - no event will be sent during this time for this combination of  src and dst. The event the connection logs’ ids (markers).

(other rules are very similar in structure, but different in logic, of course)


This is its programmatic drl file:


package com.checkpoint.correlation.impl.drools.package30;


import java.util.Date

import java.util.HashMap

import java.util.Set

import com.checkpoint.correlation.impl.drools.Log

import com.checkpoint.correlation.impl.drools.CorrelatedEvent


global com.checkpoint.correlation.server.EventsHandler externalEventsHandler;


import function com.checkpoint.correlation.impl.utils.UserDefinedFunctions.isInDayHourRange

import function com.checkpoint.correlation.impl.utils.UserDefinedFunctions.isInIpRange


function boolean filter(Log log) {

                return  (!((log.fieldsMap.get("src")!= null && isInIpRange(log.fieldsMap.get("src").toString(), "", "")) || (log.fieldsMap.get("src")!= null && isInIpRange(log.fieldsMap.get("src").toString(), "", "")) || (log.fieldsMap.get("src")!= null && isInIpRange(log.fieldsMap.get("src").toString(), "", "")) || (log.fieldsMap.get("src")!= null && isInIpRange(log.fieldsMap.get("src").toString(), "", "")) || (log.fieldsMap.get("src")!= null && isInIpRange(log.fieldsMap.get("src").toString(), "", "")) || (log.fieldsMap.get("src")!= null && isInIpRange(log.fieldsMap.get("src").toString(), "", "")) || (log.fieldsMap.get("src")!= null && isInIpRange(log.fieldsMap.get("src").toString(), "", ""))));



function String markersToString(Set markersSet) {

                int i = 0;

                String markersString = "";

                for (Object marker : markersSet) {

                                if (i == 25) break;

                                String markerStr = marker.toString();

                                if (i > 0) markersString += "\n";

                                markersString += markerStr;


                return markersString;



function String calcSeverity(Log log) {

                return "High";



function String getUniqueId(Log log) {

                String uniqueId="";

                uniqueId += (log.fieldsMap.get("service") != null ? log.fieldsMap.get("service").toString() : "null");

                uniqueId += (log.fieldsMap.get("proto") != null ? log.fieldsMap.get("proto").toString() : "null");

                return uniqueId;



declare Log




declare CorrelatedEvent





rule "Port scan from external network"

enabled true

dialect "java"



                $log : Log(eval(filter($log)))

                not CorrelatedEvent(getId() == "{8AC52BA8-1EE8-4f18-9BB4-54492116501C}", groupByFieldsMap.get("src") == $log.fieldsMap.get("src"), groupByFieldsMap.get("dst") == $log.fieldsMap.get("dst"))

                accumulate($accumulatedLog : Log(eval(filter($accumulatedLog)), this after[0s,60s] $log, fieldsMap.get("src") == $log.fieldsMap.get("src"), fieldsMap.get("dst") == $log.fieldsMap.get("dst"), $id : getUniqueId(this));

                                $idSet : collectSet($id);

                                $idSet.size > 19)

                accumulate($accumulatedLog : Log(eval(filter($accumulatedLog)), this after[0s,60s] $log, fieldsMap.get("src") == $log.fieldsMap.get("src"), fieldsMap.get("dst") == $log.fieldsMap.get("dst"), $idSet.contains(getUniqueId(this)), $marker : fieldsMap.get("marker"));

                                $markerSet : collectSet($marker))


                CorrelatedEvent $ce = new CorrelatedEvent("{8AC52BA8-1EE8-4f18-9BB4-54492116501C}");

                $ce.groupByFieldsMap.put("src", $log.fieldsMap.get("src"));

                $ce.groupByFieldsMap.put("dst", $log.fieldsMap.get("dst"));


                HashMap<String,Object> fieldsMap = new HashMap<String,Object>();

                fieldsMap.put("cu_rule_id", "{8AC52BA8-1EE8-4f18-9BB4-54492116501C}");

                fieldsMap.put("event_name", "Port scan from external network");

                fieldsMap.put("cu_rule_severity", calcSeverity($log));

                fieldsMap.put("cu_rule_category", "Scans");

                fieldsMap.put("cu_log_count", $markerSet.size());

                fieldsMap.put("time", new Date());

                fieldsMap.put("cu_markers_list", markersToString($markerSet));

                fieldsMap.put("src", $log.fieldsMap.get("src"));

                fieldsMap.put("src_machine_name", $log.fieldsMap.get("src_machine_name"));

                fieldsMap.put("src_user_name", $log.fieldsMap.get("src_user_name"));

                fieldsMap.put("dst", $log.fieldsMap.get("dst"));

                fieldsMap.put("dst_machine_name", $log.fieldsMap.get("dst_machine_name"));

                fieldsMap.put("dst_user_name", $log.fieldsMap.get("dst_user_name"));

                fieldsMap.put("service", $log.fieldsMap.get("service"));

                fieldsMap.put("proto", $log.fieldsMap.get("proto"));

                fieldsMap.put("product", $log.fieldsMap.get("product"));




I am sending logs in a rate of up to 200 logs/sec. After about 3 minutes, my application starts to be unresponsive.

I monitored the JVM with VisualVM. Two snapshots of VisualVM are attached.

I found out that the class consuming most memory is FromNodeLeftTuple of drools (as can be seen in “instances.png”).


1)      Is my inserting rate is too high?

2)      Is There a way I can make my rules more memory efficient?




Inserting logs:

public void insertEvents(Collection<Map<String, Object>> logs)


                for (Map<String, Object> map : logs) {

                                Log log = new Log();







Log class:

public class Log


    public HashMap<String, Object> fieldsMap = new HashMap<>();



CorrelatedEvent class:


public class CorrelatedEvent


    public Map<String, Object> groupByFieldsMap;


    private String id;


    public CorrelatedEvent(String id)


        groupByFieldsMap = new HashMap<>(); = id;



    public String getId()


        return id;





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