this is a really interesting discussion and I wish I had more time to participate.. I agree with Stephen that some constraints are really worthy monitoring,
while others are simply "filters".. Wolfgang's mention of "near misses" is potentially a hot topic, I have been experimenting with "imperfect" rules which
are more robust in that sense and provide better traceability, but that is not yet implemented in the core engine.
I would also point out that one thing is monitor constraints for "logging" or "auditing" purposes, another is the ability to specify different behaviours
(i.e. consequences) according to the success vs failure of an evaluation.
To this end, and following on the "extending" rule thread, it has actually been planned and partially implemented.. it's only an experimental feature
(@Mario, any update/clarification?), so it's probably not well documented. But I would point you to these links:

with the warning that it's still experimental and, while adopting "familiar" keywords (if, then, else, switch), their semantics is different from the
usual imperative language one, and in fact could enable some of the "extend" capabilities that have been invoked in the last couple of posts.


On 01/30/2013 02:25 PM, Cotton, Ben wrote:

Ø automatically rename each rule "part" (being a single-condition rule derived from the original) to some derivation of the original rule name, and need the consequence only in the fully-extended rule, thereby giving the same effect, but with rule "parts" that would reflect failure at the individual condition level

This is *exactly* the ambition we are hoping that some Drools .DRL enrichment tool (or other Drools capability) can provide. 


Wish I had sufficient competency to comment on the merits of your different suggested approaches.  Hopeful that the Drools gurus will comment explicitly on all these approaches (and/or the approach suggested by another of using Working Memory listeners).