�� Kent,
�� Not sure I understand your question. Does not matter if your rules are in source format or binary format from guvnor. As long as they have the same package name + rule name, a new rule will override a previous rule...
�� []s
�� Edson
We are building a rule engine that will
serve multiple companies. �Many of the rules are common but there
are some situations where the common rules need to be overriden by rules
that are specific to a particular company. Each company has it's own rulebase
that we create with packages that are configured for that company. �I
know that rules with the same name will override previous rules if they
have the same package name. �We could make that work if we compile
the rules at runtime but I would like to deploy the binary packages from
Guvnor. �
Has anyone come up with a solution for
Kent Symanzik
�Edson Tirelli
�JBoss Drools Core Development
�JBoss, a division of Red Hat @ www.jboss.com