
   Not sure I understand your question. Does not matter if your rules are in source format or binary format from guvnor. As long as they have the same package name + rule name, a new rule will override a previous rule...


2009/6/23 <>

We are building a rule engine that will serve multiple companies.  Many of the rules are common but there are some situations where the common rules need to be overriden by rules that are specific to a particular company. Each company has it's own rulebase that we create with packages that are configured for that company.  I know that rules with the same name will override previous rules if they have the same package name.  We could make that work if we compile the rules at runtime but I would like to deploy the binary packages from Guvnor.  

Has anyone come up with a solution for this?


Kent Symanzik

 Edson Tirelli
 JBoss Drools Core Development
 JBoss, a division of Red Hat @