Thanks for clarifying this, I totally agree that the Vehicle is a planning entity and it should be treated as such thought.

I will be happy to open a JIRA for this.
Can you point me to instructions or do/don’t do list so I will do it properly?

Can you please clarify another thing regarding changes to entities in a ProblemFactChange code:
When a fact is changed, you call ScoreDirector.beforeProblemFactChanged and ScoreDirector.afterProblemFactChange on the fact object, regardless of the change specifics.
However, there is no such equivalent for entities.
My understanding is that you have to call ScoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged and ScoreDirector.afterVariableChange for every change, even for changes to none-panning variables
For example, when changing the Customer.demand or the Vehicle.capacity.

It becomes tricky when you need to change none planning variables that take part in calculating the actual solution. 
For example, changing the TimeWindowedCustomer.readyTime might result in constraint violation that is not reflected in the score (arrive before ready time) until the code in ArrivalTimeUpdatingVariableListener is invoked.

Can you please confirm or correct my understanding?


On 6 May 2014, at 19:16, ge0ffrey [via Drools] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thanks for reporting. 

That's a terminology bug. 
The Vehicle isn't both an entity and not an entity... 
A) It's an entity because it has @PlanningVariable and a shadow variable. 
B) But it's also not an entity because it doesn't have any genuine 
and therefore ScoreDirector throws that NPE... (which should be a better 
error message too). 
I 'll fix this for 6.1, probably by discarding B). 

Could you file a jira for this?

Workaround for 6.0.1: 
    Presuming you're doing this in a ProblemFactChange, 
    call scoreDirector.beforeProblemFactRemoved() instead of 
    => Treat it as a problem fact for that... but treat is as an entity 
for everything else. 


On 06-05-14 16:17, Hagai wrote:

> Using OptaPlanner 6.0.1.Final with problem like vehiclerouting. 
> In vehiclerouting the Vehicle and Customer are both planning entities. They 
> both implements the Standstill interface that is annotated with 
> @PlanningEntity and their collections are annotated with 
> @PlanningEntityCollectionProperty on the solution class. 
> Flowing the code of VehicleRoutingPanel.insertLocationAndCustomer to insert 
> a new Vehicle to the solution, my code is failing when the new Vehicle is 
> reported to the score director: 
> scoreDirector.beforeEntityAdded(newVehicle); 
> The exception is NullPointerException at 
> org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.variable.listener.PlanningVariableListenerSupport.beforeEntityAdded( 
> It looks like the PlanningVariableListenerSupport.entityVariableListenerMap 
> does not have item for the Vehicle entity, there is only one item for the 
> Customer entity in this map. 
> I get the same problem when calling ScoreDirector.beforeEntityRemoved to 
> remove a Vehicle. 
> Is this a bug or do I need to handle Vehicle entities differently? 
> -- 
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