Thanks for clarifying this, I totally agree that the Vehicle is a planning entity and it should be treated as such thought.
Thanks for reporting.
That's a terminology bug.
The Vehicle isn't both an entity and not an entity...
A) It's an entity because it has @PlanningVariable and a shadow variable.
B) But it's also not an entity because it doesn't have any genuine
and therefore ScoreDirector throws that NPE... (which should be a better
error message too).
I 'll fix this for 6.1, probably by discarding B).
Could you file a jira for this?
Workaround for 6.0.1:
Presuming you're doing this in a ProblemFactChange,
call scoreDirector.beforeProblemFactRemoved() instead of
=> Treat it as a problem fact for that... but treat is as an entity
for everything else.
On 06-05-14 16:17, Hagai wrote:_______________________________________________
> Using OptaPlanner 6.0.1.Final with problem like vehiclerouting.
> In vehiclerouting the Vehicle and Customer are both planning entities. They
> both implements the Standstill interface that is annotated with
> @PlanningEntity and their collections are annotated with
> @PlanningEntityCollectionProperty on the solution class.
> Flowing the code of VehicleRoutingPanel.insertLocationAndCustomer to insert
> a new Vehicle to the solution, my code is failing when the new Vehicle is
> reported to the score director:
> scoreDirector.beforeEntityAdded(newVehicle);
> The exception is NullPointerException at
> org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.variable.listener.PlanningVariableListenerSupport.beforeEntityAdded(
> It looks like the PlanningVariableListenerSupport.entityVariableListenerMap
> does not have item for the Vehicle entity, there is only one item for the
> Customer entity in this map.
> I get the same problem when calling ScoreDirector.beforeEntityRemoved to
> remove a Vehicle.
> Is this a bug or do I need to handle Vehicle entities differently?
> --
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