I actually got this working while I was trying out last time.
In your codes where you created the statefulknowledgesession, you need to do the following..

ResourceChangeScannerConfiguration sconf = ResourceFactory.getResourceChangeScannerService().newResourceChangeScannerConfiguration();
sconf.setProperty("drools.resource.scanner.interval", "50");

KnowledgeAgentConfiguration kaconf = KnowledgeAgentFactory.newKnowledgeAgentConfiguration();
kaconf.setProperty("drools.agent.scanDirectories", "true");
kaconf.setProperty("drools.agent.scanResources", "true");
kaconf.setProperty("drools.agent.newAgent", "true");
KnowledgeAgent kagent = KnowledgeAgentFactory.newKnowledgeAgent("myagent", kaconf);
kagent.applyChangeSet( ResourceFactory.newUrlResource(new URL("....changeset.xml")) );


etc etc etc

-----rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org wrote: -----

To: "rules-users@lists.jboss.org" <rules-users@lists.jboss.org>
From: Pardeep Ruhil <Pardeep.Ruhil@lntinfotech.com>
Sent by: rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org
Date: 01/12/2010 11:13AM
Subject: [rules-users] Drools Doubt regarding ChangeSet.xml file use


I have a doubt regarding Drools changeSet.xml file.

As in ChangeSet.xml file we define or give the URL/PCK/file Path  to read our Rule file or workflow file.

Now Lets suppose I have an application deployed and is runnning using Drools Workflow.

Now I change the workflow file(.rf) file.

So my doubt is:

1.  Do I need to redeploy/restart the application as to incorporate the changed workflow ?

2. Will the KnowledgeBase automatically get notified of the change of the workflow ?

3.  Will the StatefullKnowledge session object  will get notified about the changed workflow or do I need to create

      new StatefullKnowledge session ?



I read the documentation , In that I got to know about KnowledgeAgent class, which automatically checks for any change in the workflow/ rule  file. i.e. 60 sec(default).

Will this class will fulfill my doubts ?



Thanks & Regards

Pradeep Ruhil

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