i've not heard of any problems with the 3.0.x XmlDumper, the M1 XmlDumper and schema has not been updated yet, any volunteers? Sounds like all the Descrs could do with good toString() info as well, patch welcome :)

Can you confirm the version and show us the drl?

Niloy Debnath wrote:

   i'm trying to implement the VISIT methods of XmlDumper class but it gives the errors like,

no visitor implementation for : class 
org.drools.lang.descr.PatternDescr : org.drools.lang.descr.PatternDescr@1a758cb
no visitor implementation for : class 
org.drools.lang.descr.PatternDescr : org.drools.lang.descr.PatternDescr@1a758cb
 at org.drools.xml.XmlDumper.appendXmlDump(Unknown Source)
 at org.drools.xml.XmlDumper.visitPackageDescr(Unknown Source)
 at org.drools.examples.test2.main(test1.java:69)

i cant understand why it is giving like...

at org.drools.xml.XmlDumper.appendXmlDump(Unknown Source)
at org.drools.xml.XmlDumper.visitPackageDescr(Unknown Source)
i've the method like this,

XmlDumper xmldumper = new XmlDumper();

where pdesc is the object of PackageDescr class.can anybody help me ? i dont know whether i am able to make you understand about my problem or not,if no then plz tell me what information you need.but plz provide me a solution,i need it urgently.

thanking you,

Niloy Debnath

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