But for this you don't need drools flow. Normal rule-set is enough.
2010/7/9 santosh mukherjee <sam.sensation@gmail.com>:
> Sorry,
> but in the documentation, it was written that an internal event can be
> raised over the actions of an Action Node.
> Anyways, Then when and where to raise the event. Actually I want my process
> to be in such a way, that whenever a certain event comes , it executes a set
> of actions.
> Thanks.
> 2010/7/9 Mauricio Salatino <salaboy@gmail.com>
>> what are you trying to achieve exactly? An event will not work over an
>> action node.
>> Greetings.
>> 2010/7/8 santosh mukherjee <sam.sensation@gmail.com>
>>> Hi,
>>> I am a newbie to Drools flow. I am trying to generate a sample string
>>> event in the action node using the snippet -->
>>> context.getProcessInstance().signalEvent("java.lang.String", "hiii");
>>> But they event is not getting generated.
>>> Any suggestions are welcome.
>>> Thank You.
>>> Santosh Mukherjee
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