I have a patch for drools-persistence-jpa should anyone agree with me that ProcessInstanceInfo and VariableInstanceInfo should be joined by processInstanceId.
I'm trying to adapt the StringVariablePersister presented in http://blog.athico.com/2009/09/drools-flow-variable-persistence.html
I can create process instances with variable "color":private static WorkflowProcessInstance startProcess(StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession, String color) {Map<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();vars.put("color", color);WorkflowProcessInstance p1 = (WorkflowProcessInstance) ksession.startProcess("com.sample.ruleflow", vars);return p1;}I can count them:selectcount(*)fromProcessInstanceInfoHowever I'm stymied as to counting process instances with a given color, as there appears to be no join column between ProcessInstanceInfo and VariableInstanceInfo.Can such a query be written?Thanks.