Both issues you report have been fixed on the 5.5.x and master branches.

There is a JIRA for the template issue but I forget the number. There was a fix provided by a commumity member for the Guided Rule Editor issue on IE.

I believe 5.6 will be released soon (but I've heard that for the last month).

On 19 Apr 2013 22:03, "Sean Su" <> wrote:
Do we have existing issues being tracked for "Guided Rule Editor" in Guvnor 5.5.0.Final not working on IE? The same Editor opened fine with Firefox.

Also noticed, even though the editor can be opened in Firefox, the "Load Template Data" button in the "rule template" seems not working. There is no visible response after it is clicked.

Unfortunately, I can't test this on IE as I could not open the "editor" in the first place.


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