That¡¯s because $a1 can equal $a2 which can equal $a3.

The following should ensure that the events are distinct and processed in the right order (there didn¡¯t seem to be anything stopping $a2 from being matched totally out of sequence.


  $a1: EventA( $index : index )
  $a2: EventA( index == $index, this after $a1  )
  $a3: EventA( index == $index, this after $a2 )

  not PatternConsumer( name == 'AAA', events contain $a1 || contais $a2 || contains $a3)

  not EventB( this after[0ms] $a1 && before[0ms] $a3, index == $index )


From: [] On Behalf Of ???
Sent: 26 October 2010 09:08
To: Rules Users List
Subject: Re: [rules-users] How to write a rule like this





I just tried this rule, but it doesn't seem to work as expected. 

What I have now is every time I have an EventA received then a pattern is reported matched no matter whether any of the other constrains is met.


Any ideas?


Best Regards,

Kevin Zhao

2010/10/26 Michael Anstis <>

You could try this too; if you don't want lots of new attributes for your model:-

rule "three A"
  $a1: EventA( $index : index )
  $a2: EventA( index == $index )
  $a3: EventA( index == $index )

  not PatternConsumer( name == 'AAA', events contain $a1 || contais $a2 || contains $a3)

  not EventB( this after[0ms] $a1 && before[0ms] $a3, index == $index )
  // ... match

  PatternConsumer pc = new PatternConsumer("AAA", $a1, $a2, $a3 );


2010/10/25 Wolfgang Laun <>

Giving those other rules a higher salience is one way, but I think
it is better to add a boolean field "usedForAAA" to class EventA.

rule "three A"
  $a1: EventA( $index : index, usedForAAA == false )
  $a2: EventA( index == $index, usedForAAA == false )
  $a3: EventA( index == $index, usedForAAA == false )

  not EventB( this after[0ms] $a1 && before[0ms] $a3, index == $index )
  // ... match

  modify( $a1 ){ setUsedForAAA( true ) }
  modify( $a2 ){ setUsedForAAA( true ) }
  modify( $a3 ){ setUsedForAAA( true ) }



2010/10/25 ÕÔ٩٩ <>

Thanks Wolfgang,


It now starts to make sense to me. However, is it possible that I don't retract those matched eventA? All those events might be used to evaluate against other rules.


Thanks again,

Kevin Zhao


2010/10/25 Wolfgang Laun <>

I assume you are using Fusion, using a session clock so that temporal operators are available.

rule "three A"
  $a1: EventA( $index : index )
  $a2: EventA( index == $index )
  $a3: EventA( index == $index )
  not EventB( this after[0ms] $a1 && before[0ms] $a3, index == $index )
  // ... match
  retract( $a1 );
  retract( $a2 );
  retract( $a3 );


2010/10/25 ÕÔ٩٩ <>



I'm still quite new to the drools stuffs just getting the examples running. I'm sorry if my question is too basic.

I have a system that will continuously to receive events sent from some other system. Basically I have two types of events, eventA and eventB. 

Both eventA and eventB have two properties, index and timestamp.


What I want is to capture a pattern to meet the following conditions


1. every 3 consecutive eventsA without any eventB in between having a same index value ordering by their timestamp. 


2. all events in a matched pattern will have the same value of property index.


3. if a pattern is matched, any of the events in this pattern should not be used again for a new matching.


there are some examples below, the number after a colon stands for the value of its index number and assume those events are already ordered by their timestamp.


eventB:2    eventA:1     eventA:1     eventA:1  eventB:3      --------- one successful match, we have three eventA with same index value 1 in a row


eventB:2    eventA:1     eventA:1     eventB:1  eventA:1      --------- no match because there's an eventB in between


eventB:2    eventA:1     eventA:1     eventB:2  eventA:1      --------- one successful match because the in-between eventB has a different index value


eventA:1    eventA:1     eventA:1     eventA:1  eventA:1      --------- only one match, because once matched, the events can not be used for a second match again.



I just don't know how to write a rule like this. Is there anyone who can shed some lights on?


Best Regards,





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