I found that the statement generated from "from collection" is not correct when it is used in combination with "Any of the following are true" feature. There is ">" being generated in frond of the statement which is causing the compilation error.

Here is the code being generated from the guided editor:

  java.util.Collection( size >= 1 ) from collect ( ProcedureEvent( elements contains 4658 ))
(         >java.util.Collection( size == 1 ) from collect ( ProcedureEvent( elements contains 7788 , eval( contiguousDays.createNewWithPaddedTime(1, DateTimeUnit.DAY).intersectsButNotAdjacent($diagnosticEvent.contiguousDays) )))
or         >java.util.Collection( size >= 2 ) from collect ( DrugEvent( elements contains 4146 ))
The code above was from the item 8 and 9 in the attached screen. As shown, the collection statement is correct when there is no "any of the following are true" involved.

This seems to be a bug in Guvnor.

Please let me know if this needs to be reported.
