
I followed the procedure in this post:http://community.jboss.org/people/bpmn2user/blog/2011/02/21/jbpm5-example-for-forms-with-variables

It mentioned two ways to deploy a process definition: (1) using Eclipse plugin to add the process and artifacts to Guvnor and then build the package; (2) put the jar and bpmn into their according directory, and then restart the jboss server.

In my practice, my bpm console sometimes loads the process definitions from Guvnor and sometimes from the bpmn directory. The processes in these two repository/locations are different. Can I take control of this situation? The performance is always not stable.

I also have some problem updating a process. When I modify a process schema and update the bpmn file in the -Djbpm.console.directory. The BPM console just stick to the old version. I have restarted the jboss server after the update.

Thank you!

Best regards,