Hi rules users,


I am having a problem with Drools 5.1.1 recently. The exception we had is:



d2.rules.state.EvaluateRule cannot be cast to d2.autorating.data.model.Account

org.drools.runtime.rule.ConsequenceException: rule: DERIVE_COLLAT_MECHANISM_PLEDGE


Our rules are listed as below:




no-loop true

salience 19991


       $RatingData : RatingRuleFact()

       $contract : Contract()      

       $csaDoc : Document(documentId == $contract.csaId && status == "Final/Signed")

       (EvaluateRule(ruleName == "INSCOPE))                                      


        RuleProcessingOutput ruleOutput = $RatingData.getRuleOutput();

        RuleResult result = new RuleResult(drools.getRule().getName(), $contract.getContractId(), $RatingData.getPrincipalPartyCountry());



        insertLogical(new EvaluateRule(drools.getRule().getName()));




no-loop true

salience 19985


       $RatingData : RatingRuleFact()

       $contract : Contract()      

       $noHoldingAgreementAccts : ArrayList()

       from collect ( Account(collatNetId == $contract.contractId,

                    businessUnit not in ("COMM", "FID", "FX", "IED", "SECLENDING", "SWAPS")) from $contract.collatAccounts


       EvaluateRule(ruleName == "INSCOPE")


        RuleProcessingOutput ruleOutput = $RatingData.getRuleOutput();

        for (Object obj : $noHoldingAgreementAccts) {

            Account acct = (Account) obj;

            if (acct.getDp2Account() != null) {

                RuleResult result = new RuleResult(drools.getRule().getName(), $contract.getContractId(), $RatingData.getPrincipalPartyCountry());


                result.setRuleOutputText("BU has no Data");




        if ($noHoldingAgreementAccts.size() > 0) {

            insertLogical(new EvaluateRule(drools.getRule().getName()));





·         In object Account(), we did not have any EvaluateRule() object in it.

·         We also noticed after the "from collect" key word there are EvaluateRule() object defined after it(but the purpose is just to determine if this object exist or not in the Working Memory), in the LHS of each rule file.

·         In the variable $noHoldingAgreementAccts, we are not supposed to see the object – EvaluateRule (BUT the exception is showing it is trying to cast EvaluateRule into Account)



My question is are there any known problems/issues with the following

-          Drools rule compilers

-          Key word from collect

-          Rules production memory

-          Version 5.1.1


that can make this happen? Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks.



Kevin Tan
Morgan Stanley | Enterprise Data & Services
700 Rue Wellington | Floor 04   
Montreal, QC H3C 3S4   
Phone: +1 514 876-5756   


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