Hello all OptaPlanner geeks! :)
This is my first post on this list. I would be very grateful if somebody could give me any advice in this matter (details below).

We need to plan the schedule for repair units consisting of few people with some particular skills and equipment.

What we know / What the Client has:
1. tasks - different tasks have different attributes like:
a) priority
b) time needed to fix a problem
c) number of employees needed
d) employees’ skills
i) destination coordinates of the task to perform (we can use GIS to get road costs)
2. established number of employees working according to work schedule and having particular skills
3. established number of vehicles and equipment

What we want - to be able to plan tasks with the assumption that a good schedule:
1. will ‘keep in mind’ all limitations (number of employees and equipment)
2. will plan all tasks in the shortest possible amount of time.

We want to optimize time that it takes to perform all tasks, and time would be the only flexible feature here.

Is OptaPlanner the right tool to this kind of problems?

Thank you and have a nice day