This is a known limitation when using BPMN2.  Check out the documentation, that describes which features are implemented already in the BPMN2 implementation:
Priorities are not yet implemented as it seems the BPMN2 spec simply does not define something like this.  If we want to support something like this, we will probably have to define a custom extension (but we didn't do this yet as we wanted to wait until the spec was final before starting to add too much custom extensions).
A workaround would be to use mutually exclusive conditions for now ...
----- Original Message -----
From: Vijay K Pandey
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 5:45 AM
Subject: [rules-users] Drools Flow 5.1 - latest snapshot -- Gateway (Diverge) : Split Node - Priority Does not Work

Hi All,


In the Drools Flow 5.1 latest snapshot , for the node (Gateway (Diverge) : Split Node), somehow priority does not work. If we set some value, lets say 100 and open the process file(BPMN2) again and check the priority – somehow it doesn’t retains the priority value and reports the value always as 0.


I am trying to make use one of the feature of XOR type node where one of the constraint is “always true” with the highest priority. I hope my understanding is right.


This is what the Drools Flow Doc says:


XOR means that exactly one of the outgoing connections will be chosen. The decision is made by evaluating the constraints that are linked to each of the outgoing connections. Constraints are specified using the same syntax as the left-hand side of a rule. The constraint with the lowest priority number that evaluates to true is selected. Note that you should always make sure that at least one of the outgoing connections will evaluate to true at runtime (the ruleflow will throw an exception at runtime if it cannot find at least one outgoing connection). For example, you could use a connection which is always true (default) with a high priority number to specify what should happen if none of the other connections can be taken.


Has anyone faced this issue?





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