so you are using drools to build on-the-fly queries based on user input. You could probably do this via "static" rules. Since you basically have 4 variables (price, avg_user_rating, num_ratings, category), you could write 4 rules, one each that filters based on one of the 4 variables and then chain the execution through salience:

rule price:
salience 1
        $p: Product(price in param)
        add $p to result

rule avg_user_rating:
salience 2
        $p: Product(avg_user_rating > param)
        add $p to result

and so on

From:        soumya_sd <>
Date:        05/09/2012 08:43 AM
Subject:        Re: [rules-users] Is there a faster way of doing this in Drools ?
Sent by:

Vincent Legendre wrote
> Users changing rules IS the correct use-case of drools (I would even say
> that if rules never change, drools is likely to be worse than pure java).
> What others said is "changing the rules at each request by regenerating
> and recompiling" is not.
> I can't imagine that users may change rules at each request, so you must
> have, at least for some time (thus a lot of requests), a stable rule base.
> What is costly is to compile rules, but you already know that.
> So the idea is to keep in some kind of cache the actual rules, and only
> recompile them when they change.
> The source of rules does not matter : you can generate the DRL according
> to your configuration, or make you users directly write rules (with
> guvnor, which will fits well if your rules are only basic filters).
> The optimisation you have to do is to keep your compiled rules somewhere
> (by serializing your KnowlegdePackages or simply keep it in a kind of
> map), and reuse it until your source change : you have to find a way to
> detect that rules (or the config that is used to generate them) have
> changed, and then recompile a new up-to-date KnowledgePackage.

Thank you for your insights.

At this point I'm designing for the worst case i.e., I'm assuming the rules
with change with every request.

Moreover, this can happen on a regular basis in the system I'm trying to


User wants to see Product with with the following rules

at t=t_1 : If product.category in {A,B}.

at t=t_2 : If product.category in {A,B} AND price < 100

at t=t_3 :  If product.category in {A,B}  AND price < 100 AND num_ratings >

You can imagine the user changing these rules in a span of less than a

I understand that Drools is designed for cases when rules changes often. But
can it support something like the one I described above where rules are
changing at a much faster rate?


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