Thanks Wolfgang.

RE (1): Most of the rules with accumulate have a "blocking" fact. Sounds like it would be useful to verify the blocking fact is working as expected. I will give this a try.

RE (4): Most of the accumulates in these rules are exactly what you describe… they are used at the end of processing to provide a "summary" of sorts. I think I understand what you mean by converting this to "on foot". I was tempted to try this but thought if there was any way to determine the exact rule which has the problematic accumulations I could focus on converting only that rule. Converting all of the rules is a large commitment. Would be great to be able to verify it will pay off before making the investment.


On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 8:59 AM, Wolfgang Laun <> wrote:
A few pointers:

(1) Agenda groups do not prevent rules from other groups than the
current one to be constantly evaluated. (I guess that using an initial
"blocking" fact in the costly rules might be an alternative, but I've
never tried and benchmarked.)

(2) Accumulating into a Set is more costly than into a List as it
needs to maintain a map like Map<Whatever,Integer> to permit the
"reverse" operation when an element drops out of the accumulation,
i.e., to decrease the map's value.

(3) All accumulations with reverse maintain a map for fact ids to
whatever, in order to be able to do the reverse operation.

(4) All accumulates with highly volatile domain with a substantial
cardinality are costly. If you need the accumulated values only at the
end, an evaluation "on foot" might be considered. (This is very
simple, if it needs to be done only once.)


On 09/01/2013, Ryan Crumley <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am investigating performance of a Drools 5.4 stateful knowledge session.
> This session has about 200 rules, 200k facts and takes about 1 hour to run
> to completion. Looking at the profile there is a hotspot that consumes
> almost 65% of the cpu time: java.util.AbstractList.hashCode().
> Here is the full stack:
> WorkingMemory)
> WorkingMemory)
> List, FactHandle, GradingFact, FactHandle, ReportNode, FactHandle,
> WeightsHolder, FactHandle, Logger)
>    org.drools.base.DefaultKnowledgeHelper.update(FactHandle, long)
>    org.drools.common.NamedEntryPoint.update(FactHandle, Object, long,
> Activation)
>    org.drools.common.NamedEntryPoint.update(FactHandle, Object, long,
> Activation)
> org.drools.common.PropagationContextImpl.evaluateActionQueue(InternalWorkingMemory)
> org.drools.reteoo.ReteooWorkingMemory$EvaluateResultConstraints.execute(InternalWorkingMemory)
> org.drools.reteoo.AccumulateNode.evaluateResultConstraints(AccumulateNode$ActivitySource,
> LeftTuple, PropagationContext, InternalWorkingMemory,
> AccumulateNode$AccumulateMemory, AccumulateNode$AccumulateContext, boolean)
>    org.drools.common.DefaultFactHandle.setObject(Object)
>    java.util.AbstractList.hashCode()
> I believe the following clues can be extracted:
> - "Rule_Set_weights" was fired and a fact was modified (confirmed by
> examining the rule definition)
> - The fact modification caused the pre-conditions for other rules to be
> computed.
> - One of these rules has an accumulate condition that accumulates into an
> AbstractList.
> - This list is very very large. So large that looping through the elements
> in the list and aggregating the hashCode of individual elements dominates
> execution time (the individual element hashCode doesn't even show up in the
> profile… either its very fast or maybe its identify hashCode which the
> profiler might filter?).
> - Accumulate is either working on a large set of data or the same
> accumulate is evaluated many many times.
> Is my analysis correct? Are there clues that I am missing?
> I have 15 rules that use accumulate… However none accumulate with a result
> of List. Most accumulate using sum() and count() (result of Number). A few
> use collectSet(). A few more aggregate into a result with a custom type.
> A few other notes:
> - All accumulate conditions are the last condition in the WHEN clause.
> - I use agenda groups to separate fact processing into phases. Rules that
> accumulate are in a separate agenda group from rules that modify/insert
> facts that are used in accumulation. I hope this prevents the accumulate
> condition from being evaluated until all the rules that modify the facts
> accumulate needs are done firing. I suspect this may not be working as I
> expect. I haven't put together an example to investigate.
> - When accumulating into a set, the rule condition looks like this:
>     $factName : Set() from accumulate( FactMatch( $field : field ),
> collectionSet( $field ) )
> How can I narrow down this further?
> Are there any general rules to follow to optimize use of accumulate in
> conditions?
> Thanks,
> Ryan

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