Op 07-12-12 10:35, Michiel Vermandel schreef:
Thanks for the explanation, Geoffrey.

I voted for https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBRULES-3702 and I hope other users do so too.
I think it can be very handy for less experienced users (like myself) to get to understand how things work.

Concerning the "You can put System.out.println() in the RHS.", that only shows when the "then" part is invoked.
Sometimes I add a dummy method "invoked" to my planning entity which always returns true and prints all data I want.
I put this method as a condition in the LHS.
Though that is no permanent solution as I do not want to clutter my rules with such dummy conditions.
That doesn't make much sense to try understand in which order the patterns match:
Drools expert will try to optimize matching the patterns with as little as calls as possible.
It's similar to trying to understand how many times HashSet calls equals() on the objects you add to it:
quite a lot: it depends on load, bucket size, ...


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From: Geoffrey De Smet <ge0ffrey.spam@gmail.com>
To: Michiel Vermandel <mvermand@yahoo.com>; Rules Users List <rules-users@lists.jboss.org>
Sent: Friday, December 7, 2012 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: documentation on rules engine and planner

Op 07-12-12 08:29, Michiel Vermandel schreef:

I would like to read some documentation on how the rules engine (specifically for planner) works.
I have a number of unanswered questions.
Some type of questions:

- If I have two rules in my drl file, will the engine execute first the first rule with all possible combinations of the planning entities matching the conditions of the rule
   and then the second rule with all possible combinations of the planning entities matching the conditions of the rule
the order depends on the rule agenda, see drools expert manual
- Can I trace which rules are executed with what planning-variables and in which order
You can put System.out.println() in the RHS.
Drools expert does not support TRACE logging to support this for you currently.
If you would like this, vote for this issue:

- What is the purpose of the last variable amount of parameters ($x, $y, $z) in the RHS logic insertLogical(new IntConstraintOccurrence( ... , $x, $y ,$z))
Those "causes" is to keep Drools Expert's insertLogical's behaviour happy because an IntConstraintOccurrence's equals/hashcode is called so only 1 can be in the working memory.
Basically, they explain what caused that part of the score. It's interesting if you want to use them to explain why a solution has a certain score.
But, on the other hand, it's a PITA and I am working on an alternative that's easier to use and faster, once drools expert supports ChangeMatchListeners.

In any case, it's a valid issue that the docs don't explain this causes thing.

I know there is http://docs.jboss.org/drools/release/5.5.0.Final/drools-planner-docs/html_single/index.html  but it does not really answer the above questions.


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