Hello Jervis,

According to my knowledge, Category is just a way of clubbing related stuff.

If I use knowledge agent to fetch the rules from the guvnor repository than currently I can provide only the package name.

But If I want to separate the rules under a package & move into different sub-packages than I am not able to do so from the current Guvnor.
Use case: If in a particular transaction only a sub package rule would be required because of its nature so I wanted to fetch only those rules.

Thanks for your reply..

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Jervis Liu <jliu@redhat.com> wrote:
Sub package is not supported at the moment. Is there any specific reason
why you want to use a sub package? You might be able to achieve same
result using other things, like categories.


On 2010/12/15 22:13, Harshit Bapna wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have gone through the Guvnor UI and I couldn't find a way to create
> sub packages under parent package.
> for ex: Under package Mortgage, I want to create subMortgage.
> *Also I found a method createSubPackage in RepositoryService but not
> able to get the UI way to create a subpackage.*
>      /**
>       * This creates a package of the given name, and checks it in.
>       * @return UUID of the created item.
>       */
>      public String createSubPackage(String name,
>                                     String description,
>                                     String parentPackage) throws
> SerializationException;
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