You'll need to give a little more information.

How does your server call "fireAllRules" on those created in Guvnor?

I suspect you're using a ChangeSet.xml and KnowledgeAgent somewhere but aren't telling us?

The HTTP401 suggests this is the case, as your problem sounds like one well documented on the Internet about needing to include authentication parameters in your ChangeSet.xml file.

With kind regards,


On 2 February 2011 11:32, tsarkar <> wrote:
  I have my application running in one instance of jboss server and guvnor
running in another.
  When my application code tries to fireAllRules created in guvnor, the
following error comes:
16:00:12,131 INFO  [STDOUT] java.lang.RuntimeException: KnowledgeAgent exception
while trying to deserialize KnowledgeDefinitionsPackage
Caused by: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL:
When I use same code within a java file with main method & run as java
application in eclipse, the rules fire properly.Any suggestions would be

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