My approach is to extract the zip and put it into my dropins directory within eclipse:
How did you get the plugin. I see it in the hudson link, but where are the instructions for installing it that way and not using the eclipse update site? The standard plugin procedure did not work for me. In other words, using that Hudson download, how do I install the plugin?
Chris2009/12/2 Ross H <>Just did a quick check, works for me. I'm running Galileo on OSX.On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Ross H <> wrote:
2009/12/3 Leonardo Gomes <>
I've seen about three posts about that lately (including mine) and no one seemed to have solved it yet.
What's the URL for hudson?
Leo.2009/12/3 Ross H <>
I think there was a previous post on this. Try the latest from Hudson and see if that works.
2009/12/3 chris richmond <>
_______________________________________________Is anyone successfully using the IDE plugin with the latest Galileo version of Eclipse. I cannot get it to debug using Galileo(my previous post concerning debug as) I tested instlaling the IDE plugin by using the IDE update site link on the following versions. I normally use the Galileo, but tried the other for troubleshooting this....Galileo standardGalileo EEGanymede StandardThe plugin appears to install just fine with all three, and the that is added when I create a new Drools project runs fine in all three. However, I am only able to debug as Drools application using Ganymede. So is it simply not possible to use the IDE update link with the latest Eclipse(Galileo)?Thanks,Chris
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