
I added       <solutionTabuSize>1000</solutionTabuSize>  to the acceptor configuration.
Now the solution equals and hashcode are called.
Without any positive result.
Calculation seems to be much slower though.

Any other ideas to try to get out of this ?? local optima?

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From: Michiel Vermandel <mvermand@yahoo.com>
To: Rules lists.jboss.org <rules-users@lists.jboss.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 9:08 PM
Subject: [rules-users] solution equals and hashcode are never called.


I am still struggling to find why my simple unit test cannot be solved to a zero score solution.
It is easily to see the solution on sight and if I feed it with the prepared solution (in a custom solver phase) it "finds" the optimal solution right away.
I'm trying everything and try to review everything I have written.
It is during that review that I noticed that the equals and hashcode methods of my solution implementation class are never called.
Obviously the solutionEquals and solutionHashCode methods of my planning entity are never called either.

What should I conclude out of that?
Is this a crucial issue? If so, what should I check/change?

I am running Drools Planner 5.5.0.Final on java 1.7.0 on a Windows 7 64bit machine.


Michiel Vermandel
http://www.codessentials.com - Your essential software, for free!
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