Hi guys,
I am using Smooks for XML parsing.

I have created my smooks-config file and downloaded  smooks v.1.3 from the site and added all the .jar files to my classpath.
Also, I used eclipse plugin for Smooks and updated it.
Still I am unable to resolve DroolsSmooksConfiguration. It does not seem to be present.
I do not understand which other dependencies should I account for??
I am using latest eclispe for jave EE developers.

my code is as follows:

        Smooks smooks = new Smooks("smooks-config.xml");
        DroolsSmooksConfiguration conf = new DroolsSmooksConfiguration("order",null);
        DroolsSmooksStatelessSession smooksSession = new DroolsSmooksStatelessSession(session,smooks,conf);

I was able to import org.milyn.Smooks. not the others. I have drools-compiler,drools-core and eclipse.jdt.core  jar files already in my classpath.

Please help!!!
Thank you.