I need some help on modeling a planning problem. (using planner 6.0.0.Beta3)
My problem closely resembles curriculum-course example but with some more planning variables as follows.
  1. course can be taught by multiple teachers
  2. lecture needs 1 teacher, 1 projector, 1 teaching assistant.
  3. course can have lab component. which needs 'n' teachers & 'm' lab assistants of that course.
  4. every resource (teacher/projector/room/lab/assistants) have their own availability periods in a day.

1, 2, 4 were easier, I made teacher, projector, TA as planning variables and have list from which they can be chosen. and separate rule to check if the any of these are present in different lectures at the same time or if they are unavailable.

now to incorporate the 3rd, I am stuck. should I create different planning entity and its own variables of teacher, lab assistants? this will also complicate rules to check if the same resource/variable is not in different places in the same period (lecture-lecture, lab-lecture, lab-lab etc.). any suggestions or references regarding this is much appreciated.

Another issue is how can I dynamically control number plan variables/resources needed for a planning entity? like 2 teachers & 4 lab assistants for a lab session of course (is it related to https://issues.jboss.org/browse/PLANNER-167 if so any workaround).

Sandeep Bandela.