
First of all, thank you both for your answers.

I'm currently not using drools flow, only expert, so i'm not very familiar with the approach you suggested. Isn't it possible to achieve this goal just by using drools expert?

My problem is that i cannot have the different rule groups stacked. I may do as you suggested, but i'll have rules firing from other agenda-groups after the first agenda-group activations are all gone (because they go into the stack as well, right?). What i'm looking for is a way to isolate the execution and just fire the rules within a specific set (aka just one group). Does this make any sense?

Thank you for your support. I appreciate all the help i can get.
_ miguel

On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun@gmail.com> wrote:
I've been using agenda groups without any trouble for a similar problem, doing
 setFocus( ... );
 insert( ... );... insert( ... );

You don't have to be afraid of the focus stack growing indefinitely:You control
the "push" (setFocus()), and if an agenda group's activations are all gone, the
group is automatically popped from the stack.


2010/5/4 Miguel Machado <mls.machado@gmail.com>:
> Hi there,
> I'm having some trouble implementing the desired workflow of rule firing in
> an application using drools expert. I've read the thread about the
> difference between ruleflow groups and agenda groups, but it is still
> unclear to me how to achieve what i need.
> What i intend to have is the ability to fire a specific set of rules
> according to the object i'm inserting into the ksession.
> I do not want to use agenda-groups because it stacks all the agenda groups
> declared on the rule file (as far as i understand) and therefore it may fire
> activations i do not want to be fired. Instead, i want to isolate them
> completely. I tried using ruleflow groups for this, but i cannot find a way
> to activate a specific group programmatically, before calling
> fireAllRules(), the way i can with agenda-groups (setFocus() method).
> That being said, i'm asking for help in trying to use either one of
> ruleflow/agenda groups or even both in order to get things working the way i
> described.
> Thanks in advance,
> _ miguel
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