Hi everyone,
My drools rules failed to compile from web application deployed on Glassfish(application server) that run on Fedora 11 (Linux distro from RedHat).
When I deploy the application on application server with Windows machine everything is working fine.
Also it works if application made as regular Java SE application.

I got the following error:

Unable to build expression for 'consequence': Failed to compile: 3 compilation error(s): - (1,4) unqualified type in strict mode for: $map - (1,13) unable to resolve method using strict-mode: java.lang.Object.get(java.lang.String) - (1,29) unable to resolve method using strict-mode: java.lang.Object.getSomeMethod() ' System.out.println($map.get("x").getSomeMethod()); ' : [Rule name='TEST']

Here is the rule that failed to compile on Linux:

rule "TEST"
    dialect "mvel" Send
            map : Map()

My Environment:
Fedora 11
JDK 1.6
Glassfish v3 build 65 (supported JAVA EE6)

I really need to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Any idea would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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