Hi Nicolas
No, i don't create any objects within the rules.
I only update some fields.
I created the rules with Guvnor and also testcases for each rule and my workflow.
And all of them are green and do not produce infinite loops.
But after running some testcases, i got the same errors as in my test programm.
Usually the exception that is thrown referes to:
Exception in thread "main" Exception executing consequence for rule "MyRule_01" in com.myrules: java.lang.RuntimeException: cannot invoke method: update
at org.drools.runtime.rule.impl.DefaultConsequenceExceptionHandler.handleException(DefaultConsequenceExceptionHandler.java:39)
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.mymodel.MyEnum.compareTo(Lcom/mymodel/MyEnum;)I
at ConditionEvaluator6e5efa52c5ec4cb3b427987c361bed94.evaluate(Unknown Source) ...
My mentioned testloop contains only five different sets of data and the same dataset that passes the
first loops (3 to 9) crash on the next one. And looping with the same input data i got the save behvouir.
Using different input data different rules cause the problem, same data same rule.
Ok, i'll try to add a debug listener.
Creating smaller rules files will be my next approach. But i think then i need to create seperate knowledgebase (for each rule chunk). That makes it difficult to process the workflow from one KB to the next KB (i have some big decision tables and i need to pass every of them to get my results)
http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/Drools-5-5-Problems-with-big-rules-file-1-5Meg-tp4025974p4025996.htmlIf you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:To start a new topic under Drools: User forum, email [hidden email]
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