How do you know where the bottle-neck is?What are the relative times to:-(1) Read from the database(2) Instantiate objects(3) Instantiate KnowledgeBaseOn 28 February 2014 09:47, Raja Sekhar <> wrote:
_______________________________________________HiCan someone answer thisThanks & Regards,Raj--
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From: Raja Sekhar <>
Date: 28 February 2014 14:10
Subject: Knowledge base cache
To: Rules Users List <>Hi,During processing a 100 thousand facts read from a database. We are measuring performance by using java's time.Some times i see a sudden rise in the times.It is a good solution to cache the knowledgebase.I am using the StatefulKnowledgeSession.
Regards,Raja Sekhar Amirapu
------------------------------------------------------Raja Sekhar Amirapu
------------------------------------------------------"If any anyone can do it, i can do it. If no one else can do it, i must do it"
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