Can the aggregation or timestamp range be used to partion your data?
e.g. if you're looking for a data pattern where a fact matches X and Y and Z can the most course constraint, say X, not be used to partion?
So you may have pre-processing (to partion the data) before hitting other finer grained rules?
Would CEP in stream mode provide an opportunity either?
2010/10/12 Wolfgang Laun <>
If you have to use a stateful session, with new objects being generated in RHS code and triggering more rules, then you've had it (since there is no way to split the 100k facts).
If you don't create new facts in RHS code, you should investigate stateless sessions. It should be more efficient.
Also, think about what you RHS code does. Can this processing be delegated to another thread? After a rule has fired, the "fate" of this activation is firmly established; rather than executing (timeconsuming i/o?) operations inline, queue the collected date to a processor thread and let this one crunch it.
(I've only thought about this for a few minutes, so there may be other options.)
2010/10/12 Tim Jones <>
I’m working on a project that needs a high performance rules system for processing batches of objects. Typically I’ll have a dozen or so rules, the most complex of which will aggregate several objects based on timestamps and specified data patterns. The objects will come in batches of a few 100ks. The system is reset back to the starting point after each batch is processed.
My guess at doing this with Drools is that you load up all the rules and enter all the objects as “facts”. You then hit fireallrules and sit back and wait. Doing this, I only get so much performance and I can see that its only using a single thread. Is there a way to process the whole lot in a parallel, or multithreaded way? Unfortunately there's no natural way to partition the objects that would make things easier.
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