I'm not sure what the problem may be, but your rule actually does not make any sense... just as an analogy, what you are doing is the same as doing in SQL:
select *
from customer a, (select * from customer b where == "john" or"la" ) c
Not sure what you are trying to achieve.
2007/6/11, Thong Nguyen <>:Hi,
I'm having an issue with the following rule NOT evaluating properly when fired from a rulebase/package built on a web container vs. directly in something like eclipse:
rule "Test Rule"
no-loop true
Customer( $name : name, $city : city )
Customer( ($name == "john" || $city == "la") )
System.out.println("you qualified");
For some reason when I run this rule on a standalone test class (with name set to "john") it seems to fire and i get the "you qualified" printed out. But the same exact rule, which I have configured to be accessable to fire from within my web application does fire, but will not evaluate to true. I have the same exact code building the package in both situations, same jars and same Customer fact being asserted into session. The only difference I can tell so far is classloaders that was used to load the standalone vs the webapp PackageBuilder config.
From standalone (run from eclipse), I have the following:
- Compiler set to: 1 (JANINO)
- JavaLanguage set to: 1.4
- classloader: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader
From webapp, I have the following for config;
- Compiler set to: 1 (JANINO)
- JavaLanguage set to: 1.4
- classloader: WebappClassLoader
delegate: false
----------> Parent Classloader:
I'm running Tomcat
5.52 on JVM1.5.0_11-b03
I've tried searching everywhere and can't seem to figure out what's going on. My only guess is maybe I have some extra jar loaded in my web container or maybe they are loaded in the wrong order. Any pointers would be great - been at this for the whole day.
Thanks for your time,
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Edson Tirelli
Software Engineer - JBoss Rules Core Developer
Office: +55 11 3529-6000
Mobile: +55 11 9287-5646
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