
I know there has been talk of a remoting API, but I am not sure where it is at. JackRabbit has a RMI implementation that I use as part of my build procedure to keep guvnor models in sync with the object model. You have to export the repository as an RMI object, then connect to it like so

ClientRepositoryFactory factory = new ClientRepositoryFactory();
Repository repository = factory.getRepository(rmiURL);

Session session = repository.login(new SimpleCredentials(username, password.toCharArray()));

rulesRepository = new RulesRepository(session);


2009/7/27 Steve Ronderos <>

Does anyone know if there is a Remoting API in Guvnor? I see mention of it in some wiki pages, and in the web.xml in the Guvnor source.  

I'm trying to see if I can remotely trigger a build for a specific package, with a selector for the build, then create a snapshot for the same package.

If anyone has any information about the API please let me know.


Steve Ronderos

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